
Video Visit with Rob Currie

It’s time for another author visit to your homeschool! Kids in school get author visits. Why not homeschooled kids? Join historical fiction author, Rob Currie, in his third Zoom video interview. Click the image to see #3 and all of Rob’s visits.

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Author Rob Currie is a psychology professor at a Christian college, Judson University near Chicago. He writes historical fiction about World War II, specifically the Resistance in the Netherlands.


The year was 1999. My special-needs daughter was finishing seventh grade at a parochial school and complaining about a classmate who was mean to her. We talked to the principal, but it seemed nothing could be done.

It was time to look at high schools too, for the big transition after eighth grade. These schools seemed so big. With her spatial challenges, she was going to get lost. I knew it.

Then my daughter asked me to homeschool her.

We knew some long-time homeschoolers, but I’d never even thought of doing it myself. Now I was faced with a choice. Do I take a leap into the unknown, or do I stick with situations that were familiar?

I had a background as a newspaper reporter and an aerospace engineer. No teaching experience at all. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought maybe I could make it work. If not, no harm done. We’d just put her back in school.

So, we set out . . . And never looked back.

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