
2024 Homeschool Conventions

Phyllis Wheeler attended two conventions in 2024 and displayed New Classics authors books and study guides.

GHC Missouri March 21-23

Phyllis at the GHC Missouri convention

Here is a fun story from the GHC in Missouri. In Phyllis’s own words: I sold my book The Dog Snatcher to a woman, and the next day she texted me a picture of her son Jaxon reading it. Here is what she said: 

Hi Phyllis! My husband I met you last night and purchased some books for our son, Jaxon. He started reading it this morning and he is already hooked!! He said it’s so good. I wanted to thank you for writing these! 
I saw your number on your flyer and wanted to tell you thanks!! We appreciate meeting you and talking about your books. We will look forward to the next one coming out soon!

Phyllis also was delighted to finally connect with Mary Pride, long-time publisher of Practical Homeschooling Magazine. They have emailed many times over the years and Mary lives only about ten miles from Phyllis, but until this weekend, they had never met.

MPE Kansas City April 4-5

Here is a great story from Kansas City! In Phyllis’s own words:

One of the best parts of vendoring at a homeschool convention is meeting the kids and parents and networking. At the MPE, I sold books, taught a class about storytelling, and talked to a lot of people. Help and advice goes both ways! I gave suggestions when asked what an aspiring writer should study at college. On the other side of the aisle, a mom helped me with fine-tuning one of my study guides.

A mom picked up my book and study guide and wondered how her dyslexic children might do with it. So I asked her for advice. She took them home and came back the next day with some very specific suggestions for my study guide. Her dyslexic husband said Book 1 of my Guardians of Time series, The Dog Snatcher, was fine for dyslexic readers because it’s full of action and momentum. I’m planning to re-issue my study guide shortly, integrating many of the suggestions.

2023 Convention Highlights

New Classics authors vendored at these homeschool conventions in 2023. Scroll down to check out some fun pictures from 2023’s conventions.

  • March 16-18 Great Homeschool Convention (GHC) St. Charles, Missouri
  • March 16-18 Peoria, Illinois
  • April 13-15 GHC Cincinatti, Ohio
  • May 18-21 ICHE Bourbonnais, Illinois
  • June 16-17 OCEAN Albany, Oregon

GHC Missouri

Phyllis Wheeler (with help from hubby) manned our New Classics booth in St. Charles. The fun included a raffle/giveaway and lots of hands-on samples of our books and study guides. Some could be purchased right there on site (or downloaded for free), while other New Classics authors offered a 15% discount on postcards. All kinds of options. Here is a picture of our booth, with author Phyllis Wheeler ready to go! Scroll down to see the New Classics authors highlighted at this GHC convention.

Phyllis Wheeler
Susan Marlow
Allen Brokken
John Hendrix

Peoria, Illinois

Allen pitched his own booth, along with our New Classics books, so he was a busy vendor! Peoria was a smaller convention (300 families), but it looks like he had fun with his “Spin to Win” raffle idea. Thanks, Allen, for showcasing us New Classics authors! Scroll down to see his top Spin to Win prize.

Spin to Win This “Tower of Light” Grand Prize!

Other prizes included four audio players, along with fun prizes in green and red buckets.